A new 3D cave-diving adventure drama film, Produced by James Cameron and directed by Alister Grierson an Australian film director and script writer. Sanctum script was inspired by the near death experience of one of the writers, Andrew Wright who when leading a diving expedition miles into a system of underwater cave, and while trying to find a way out after a crazy storm collapsed the entrance.
In Sanctum, five people got trapped in an underwater cave exploration in Papua New Guinea when a cyclone started flooding the cave. The water rapidly went high in the cave and air was running out, their only hope of survival was to travel through the unexplored wide underwater cave following the course of river that leads into the ocean, but how many people will survive such risk? The main explorers’ life revolved around caves with passion. He brought in his seventeen year old son into the situation and was worried about his life. During this tragic incident, father found son and son found the father he never knew. “The action doesn’t quite conjure up the claustrophobic intensity you expect, but the father-son-storyline is sufficiently muscular”a comment from rotten tomatoes.
Sanctum was shot in Warner Road show Studios and the Queensland Gold Coast, it employed a 3D photography technique James Cameron developed to film Avatar. This breath taken and unbelievable under water sequence took place in a large water tank at the Village Road show Studios in Queensland, just like Titanic in a water tank. The real caves were also filmed in South Australias cave-diving region around Mount Gambier. Sanctum was out on the 4th of February 2011. Sanctum didn’t win much viewers heart but a great film to see because it set your mind in the thinking mood and leave your breath taken as you keep expecting the worst. Sanctum is an example for cave divers and rock climbers. It could help widen their imagination and experience.
James Cameron is the writer and producer of Titanic (1997) and The Abyss (1989) the worlds’ greatest underwater gripping adventure films.
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