Tuesday 1 March 2011

Women want surname claim in Marriage.

Asian women want equality in marriage right to keep surname.
From the beginning of time in the majority of countries, it has always been the husband’s name that leads on the family. Women drop their fathers name to take their husbands. How long will this last for? Are all women, mostly the working class, educated and rich, happy with this? In the UK and most countries, women are allowed to have or keep their fathers name and it is a matter of choice to take the partner or husbands’ name.

Female celebrities get to keep their surname even when married at a matter of choice, mostly if they become famous before marriage. Female celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Gwen Stefani, Opera Winfrey, Catherine Zita Jones and  Beyonce Knowles  went along with it.
Today, a group of Japanese citizens are currently battling a 113 year old law, stating that a married couple must share the same surname. In Japan, couples are allowed either surname name but have to decide whose name they are taking, the male or the female. However, custom indicates that it is the wife who loses her name claim. The same applies to most African countries but it is always a must to go with the husbands’ surname.
Recently, four women in Japan are filing a lawsuit calming that law violates constitutional equality and are demanding the law to be changed. The future is looking promising for them and change could be in the horizon. Will other parts of the world not exposed to this tradition follow the stream? Will women from countries suffering from the same issue stand up  for them selves some day in the future or will they stand by the culture they have always known and accepted?


  1. this is stupid

  2. Noellin I didn't know you had a blog! I'm going to bookmark it and read it all :) My blog is kayleybug.tumblr.com

    This is a great issue to raise - why should women have to give up the identity they were given by their families when they were... born? Isn't it women who traditionally have children, raise the children, take care of the house, sacrifice their own lives for the sake of the family? Even this is wrong, it should be equal, but since it's mostly this way, they could at least get some recognition by keeping their name, or passing their own name on to their own children. Traditionally the husband's last name is a symbol of ownership, her father hands her over to him at the wedding and she belongs to him now. Is this really an idea that should be encouraged?

  3. i think people should be allowed to choose which name they want or if they even want to change their name at all. i don't know if i'd change my name when i got married or not but i like the fact i get to choose.
